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Our facilities

Our Systems

All though we are a small business with an equally small budget and are extremely small facilities, we designed them to be as durable and efficient as possible. We have constructed and installed automated exhaust, programmable timed irrigation and digitally controlled heat to ensure our efficient energy use and keep costs low. The humidity, temperature and carbon dioxide levels of our greenhouses are also continuously digitally logged and recorded (its amazing how affordable this stuff is these days) to make certain growing conditions are always favorable for the best plants. There is a remote camera in each greenhouse to record conditions and security. We also use astronomic timers on our grow racks which turn off at times of peak electricity use. 

Collections Greenhouse

The smaller of our two greenhouses. The collections greenhouse is constructed of a wood frame with polycarbonate paneling. We maintain many of our collection and variety stock plants here.

Production Greenhouse

The larger of our two greenhouses. The productions greenhouse is a forced air, double-wall polycarbonate greenhouse. It contains growing racks, interior raised beds for year round vegatable production and a beautiful stone floor made from recycled free scrap counter tops.

Cistern Systems

The water we use to irrigate our plants in both greenhouses is collected from an automated self-built, self-designed cistern system. We use rainwater as it does not contain lime and other precipitates that can harm the plants and water lines. The collections greenhouse has a total reserve of 100 US gallons, the productions greenhouse has a reserve of 232 US gallons, enough to last through approximately 3 months of drought with the current constructed automated irrigation system. We hope this model and others like it can be used on a greater scale for similar operations.

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